As A GAMER In One Piece

Chapter 16: CH-16 - STRATEGIZER

Chapter 16: CH-16 - STRATEGIZER

Chapter WORDS -5703

"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




"I Would like to consult you on some items I wanted to create. I want your help." Usopp immediately turns serious when mentioning items, and he nods, walking towards the Lounge to tinker with stuff.

i walk behind him, with my goal being only one thing-

Grind My Engineer Skill So Much that I Am able to create an Internet. Data science comes later on.




"GOT IT!-"







"ON IT!"

aghhhhh! this goddamn storm had to happen right now? I was just going to draw the maps for all the islands that we came across when we entered Grandline. I Couldn't do it earlier since we had to focus on Helping Vivi save her country, but now that I had free time and even got the materials for it, since we encountered some kind of random salesman in a sea snail. that bastard tried to rip us out, but Rai picked him up and threw him aboard, leaving his goods with us.

When asked why, he says "we are pirates, stealing is kinda our memo." and then puts all that in his pocket dimension or as he calls it, his "inventory". Now, about Rai, he is one of the most dual-faced people I have ever met, and I don't mean it in a bad way. it's just that his personality is super weird.

He talks normally at first, but then shifts into lecherous comments, and then goes serious, then acts dumb. like, he understands how this world works, heck, he knows a lot more, way more than any person is capable of knowing, but then he doesn't know basic things such as running a ship.

His Intelligence is frightening, the fact that he used to be some kind of information dealer means that he knows information that is super difficult to find, while that might be a good thing, this might lead to us facing more Marines that we did before him joining our crew.

already we are suffering due to Luffy having a Bounty of 30 Million, but If it is gonna be increased AND more people from our crew are gonna be getting bounties? AHHHH!! Why Does it need to happen!

this is all because of Rai-




I twirl around, my hips shaking magically and stop, bowing to my audience-

"SUGOIIII! you are really a good dancer!!" My friend Luffy clasped for me, along with my other audiences, Usopp, Chopper and Rai.

"YEAH!!! THAT TWERKING WAS AWESOME!" Usopp raises his fist in the air in excitement with Chopper copying him, while Rai chuckles.

"Bon Clay-" that ain't my name-YO. do my friends even know my name-

UGH! what a terrible friend i am, i didn't even tell my name to them-

"It's Not Bon Clay, that was a stage name-YO. My real name is Bentham. Bentham of the wild, a name given to me by my-"

"Anyways Bentham, since you dance well, become our dancer." Luffy grins while waving his hands around, and my happiness envelops me, making me tear up.

"YES CAPTAIN-YO" I Salute my Captain, and he grin, and that's when Rain starts chuckling.

"Well, now that you have a dancer, you need to have a 'close' relationship with our upcoming musician." he chuckles even louder, making me, Usopp, Luffy and Chopper confused.

Rai has always been an enigma to me. He makes Jokes only he understands, similarly to this. He is super weird, and his knowledge about things is no joke. but-


i was a bounty hunter from east blue, where with my Okama Kempo, i defeated many pirates and then came to grandline for one reason only. to get more recognition and meet the greatest person in the world, a being so great that just by being in their presence would make me give my life up. the person is my dream-

Emporio Ivankov.

but for now, i will keep that with me, and since i trust Luffy, Usopp and Chopper who trust Rai, i also Trust Rai-

"hehe" Rai continues to giggle at some joke he has in his mind. Well, even if Rai is a little weird.


"-this word means protection."

"and this word is location right?" Rai points to my notes, with me nodding to confirm his question. I looked at him, completely and utterly surprised, since Rai just understood Ancient Scripts in an hour. something that took me weeks, if not months to understand, while our circumstances might be different since i was learning through being a scholar in Ohara and Professor Clover's help, Rai learning it in mere hour makes me-

Jealous of him. jealous of his knowledge of the world, something i desperately want, and his monster-like ability to learn anything he can get hands on. Since I watch him regularly, I know he didn't know how to sail a ship, but within hours he learnt the ways and is now at least somewhat decent.

"How did Saul take all the books to Elbaf?" I ask a question and he looks at me, debating the answer. One thing that I don't like about Rai is that every answer that comes out of his mouth is thought upon, meaning he won't slip up for me to gain information.

"well, Since Kuzan didn't double tap Saul-"

"What is a double tap?" Nami pops up from...somewhere, Rai looks at him and shrugs, giving an answer, making Robin annoyed. IF he is talking to her, then why the hell is he talking to Nami as well? She doesn't like this. He is giving crucial information and Nami is asking dumb questions. but, she doesn't vocalize this, keeping it inside her mind.

"Double tap means to confirm the kill, like if you shoot someone with the intent to kill, make sure you 'double tap' to kill him for good." Nami nods and then goes wherever, with Rai turning back to her.

"as i said, since Kuzan didn't double tap Saul-"

"huh? Double tap?" Usopp pops up, making Robin a tad bit more annoyed. Rai turns to USopp and answers his question.

"It means confirming the kill." Usopp understands it immediately, and he nods, going back to whatever hole he came from. I look at Rai, wanting to know, and he starts again.

"Kuzan didn't double tap-"

"What is a double tap?" Oh Come ON!-

"Captain, we are discussing important stuff, please stop interrupting us." Luffy looks into my eyes, and sheepishly apologizes, then moving, i look back at Rai-

and he has an amused grin on his face. i stare at him for a couple of seconds, and his grins falls, and he starts again-

"as Kuzan didn't-"

"Say that word one more time-" He nods, amused. While I wanted to scare him, he was more amused than scared.

"Saul survived both his freezing and the buster call, so he called some of his giant friends and took all the books saved by the Ohara People to Elbaf, where he went into hiding." all of the books? I ask him the same question in my mind, and he shrugs.

"I don't know, but some of the giants came to help take as much as possible. I am not sure if they were able to salvage ALL the books, but they did save the majority of it." There is also something else that has been bugging me.

"how do you know all of this?" He looks at my eyes, and shrugs.

"you get to hear a lot when Giants are drunk, especially when you buy them drinks. they are a free race with no bad intentions UNLESS you mess with them. They are similar to Luffy Personality wise."He has an amused smile, like he knows something that I don't.

and this might be the reason that, for the first time in my life, someone is getting under my skin. I was the one who used to have all the information, but now, I am the one who is asking for information while Rai is giving it one by one, and sometimes telling me that he cannot say it to me face to face.

Rai is the most complicated person i know, his knowledge about things is so huge, that it almost terrifies me, but also makes me curious. His intelligence is something to be desired, since he can figure out the intent behind someone talking to him. when i tried to seduce him to get answers, he just made lewd comments which made me disgusted.

He is one complicated man. but that doesn't mean i am gonna give up on him.






"Oi Zoro, wake up Rai will ya? a tornado is gonna approach." I look up, seeing the witch's face, and I grumble on why I am being sent on a chore to wake that dumbass up, but knowing that complaining is of no use. I sigh and enter the Men's room, seeing Rai sleeping in the net, all relaxed.

"Oi Dumbass, get up, a storm is coming." I hit him in the head, not at all interested in what I was doing, but after a few seconds passed, seeing Rai not even moving from his spot, I kicked him, sending him out of the net while he was sleeping.

"GET UP! we don't have time." I turnaround to walk outside to handle the ship, but then i notice no sound coming, so i turn and-

Look at Rai still sleeping, even though his posture looks weird. I walk up to him, and kick him in the face, and I raise my eyebrows, noticing him still sleeping. i scratch my head, not knowing what to do-

"HURRY UP SLOWPOKE!" That Witch screams from outside, and i know who she is calling Slowpoke (whatever that is), i grab Rai's leg and yank him while i walk towards the exit.

"HE ISN'T WAKING UP" I Scream to Nami-









ughhhh! fuck that witch, i swear i am gonna cut her up-

"YOU CANNOT WAKE UP A SINGLE PERSON YOU SWORD MANIAC!" the witch walks up to Rai's body and grabs him by the collar-


slaps him across the face, but even then, He still isn't waking up. Now, it is kinda worrying.Nami slaps him again and again, but before she could slap him for the fourth time, Chopper comes in clutch.

"Wait wait Wait. let me see." he grabs Rai's arms and then listens to his heartbeat (i think?), he then open's Rai's eyes and shines light on them with his torch, with him closing it and turning to us with an annoyed/surprised face (both look the same for him) and-


"GOING MERRY IS FLYING!-" Usopp screams while trying to hold on for dear life, and immediately, all of the members go and hold onto the ship to make sure it doesn't fly off. I grab onto the steering pole and according to Nami's direction, turn the ship around.



I look out, to see Luffy holding Rai in the air. Rai must have been thrown out, but I don't care about that now, and focus on my task, which is to steer the ship through the storm, while all the others focus on making the ship stable on the waters. eventually, we move out of the cyclone and-


"GET UP! GET UP YOU SON OF A BITCH, GET UP-" Nami holds a beaten up Rai, who is still asleep, she goes for another hit, but Chopper stops her in time, yanking Rai from her demonic clutches.

"He is in a deep sleep. i don't know when he will wake up-" right after Chopper says this, Rai opens his eyes, and gets up all fresh, before looking at himself in confusion.

"what the-"

"YOU MOTHERFUC-" The Witch strikes again, i leave the area, knowing full well that when the witch is pissed off, she doesn't spare anyone within range. especially Rai, who has made it his goal to annoy Nami so much that Luffy pales in comparison.

and about the man himself, i am doubtful of him, not of his motives though. I trust him as much as I trust the other members (Except Robin, and that weirdo), but he isn't telling us everything. and i can't even call him out of it, since i am doing the same thing. Plus, I don't care much about his secrets, since I know he will do things properly.

The proof being him creating a plan that not only satisfied Luffy's desire to defeat Crocodile, but also Vivi's desire to stop the war. Rai is smarter, smarter than anyone I have ever met in my life, and I know for sure he will cook some plan to get us out of difficult situations because Of Luffy's childish nature.

I Just know he will figure something out.


"Rai, pass me the baking powder will you?" I call out to Rai, who summons a pack of baking powder and passes it to me while reading the newspaper.

"No problem." he already replies before i could have a chance to thank him. He flips the page, while I focus on cooking.

"Hey Sanji, how do you think Tajio is managing?" Usopp calls out, while inventing something he and Rai have been discussing. i don't know what they are doing, but they are taking turns to create this, also having Nami-San's input on it, it might be the Clima-Tact that she used when fighting with the Rebels.

"That's his problem. he will be fine anyways." I remember how we met a cook named Tajio who worked for the Marines. I gave him some cooking tips during the criticisms, and left him to his devices to make curry for his superiors.

"oh, okay then. Hey Rai, I have an idea, come help me here." Rai closes his paper, and goes over to Usopp, but I stop him and ask him stuff.

"before you start doing something, give me some Meat, onions, broccoli, lemon and coconut oil for this will you?" Rai nods, opening his alternate subspace and procuring the ingredients, and then he turns and walks to Usopp, where they both start creating something.

In terms of usefulness in the kitchen, Rai is the most useful person to have, since he acts like a storage unit where I can store all the food, and due to it, we don't need a fridge anymore. So, Nami-san sold it and kept the money for herself when we landed on an island where we saw fireworks.

Due to Rai, I don't have to worry about the shortage of food supply, since Luffy won't sneak into the kitchen and tear off the lock for the fridge and eat the food when he is hungry. He has to go through Ria to get food and-

"C'monnnnnn Rai, Please Give me Foodddddddd! I am soooooo hungry!" Luffy screams in desperation, clutching Rai's neck and pulling him towards his chest to smother him, but Rai doesn't even react. He continues his work with USopp while pointing at Me.

"Ask Sanji." and Rasi only gives food when I give an okay. Which, I do.

"Give him something light to eat, he still needs to eat lunch." Rai summons a basket of fruit and passes it to Luffy, who while disappointed, sighs, But starts eating the baskets of fruits.

Rai has become someone whom i can count on in the kitchen, since he is so helpful, as he unofficially becomes the Pantry Chef ( people who are Responsible for keeping track of the refrigerator's contents and preparing cold dishes).

and, even outside the kitchen, he is fun to hang around with, as both of us can talk about girls, which he is extremely knowledgeable on. Even though I am still iffy about him knowing my past due to the work of his previous job, I am thankful that he doesn't show pity to me, since I hate that. There are times where my curiosity gets the better of me and I ask him about my sister, Reiju.

There is one thing that horrifies me when he talks to Rai about my past, and that was that my Mother, Sora, took some kind of drugs that limited the effects of the enhanced Genetic. At first, I was teary eyed and almost cried that the cause of my mother's death was me, but Rai consoled me by telling me that my mother died happy and that I was not like my other three brothers. but that's when-

"While the drug suppressed your Genetic enhancements, it didn't erase it. you still have it dormant in you, ready to awaken anytime." this still rings in my ears, because there might be a possibility where during a fight, i might awaken my genetic enhancements and accidently hit a woman. that is something that i never want-

"don't worry, I will take care of it IF it happens. Believe me, I have a plan." Rai gave me a thumbs up, and then went out of the kitchen. This happened 3 days ago, and this still weighs me down, making me think about my actions whenever I do it. it makes me paranoid, thinking about every single interaction, what my thought process is, my mannerisms when i interact with Nami-san and Robin-chan and-

I exhale, trying not to think about it. I don't know what the trigger is to unlocking my Genetic enhancements, and Even Rai says he doesn't know, so any actions that I make might be the key to unlocking it. but-

"I cannot give up!" I said to myself, before noticing that the meat had been cooking for more than 2 seconds after the due time limit. I immediately close the fire and add ingredients to bring it back to its peak self. i cannot be distracted-

Plus, Rai said he can handle it, so I'll let him figure shit out.


"-we need to heat up the bubbles to create the heat balls-"

"yeah, but if we add more devices such as dust pole-"

"yeah but that-"

So on and so forth, this has been our conversation with each other. me and Rai have been throweing ideas on how to better develop Nami's Clima-Tact. Both of our ideas are shot down by each other, while we also discuss different ideas as soon as our previous ideas are shot down.

Honestly, I am pretty happy to be able to talk to someone about science and engineering. At first, Rai was clueless about things, but just in a couple of hours, he understood each word coming out of my mouth, and in a single day, he started creating ideas.

me and him have also started working on our secret project, someone that he dubs "Kabuto", a superior slingshot to his old one. while it is still in development as Rai said "we don't have all the necessary items". I am excited to See how good this slingshot will be. Until then, I am continuing to use my old, but upgraded one.

yeah, we upgraded my old slingshot where we can expand its sling so that it can extend higher, and we changed the wood that is used to shoot. All in all, my upgraded slingshot is even better than I could have ever imagined. and that is due to Rai.

We are even dismantling the gun which ate the dog dog fruit, and I tell you, it was hard work. first, we both had to understand how the hell it was even possible to have a gun 'eat' a devil fruit, and second,if what i heard from Rai is correct, he wants to figure out a way on how 'items' can eat devil fruits-

that... is genius, if we DID figure out a way to use devil fruits on weapons, i can increase my arsenal.

However, this endeavor is super hard, as the dog tries to shoot cannons INSIDE the ship, though Rai is fast enough to stop things from exploding.

and our third project, which we don't have a base to start with, is somehow using Transponder Snail's ability to generate electricity. I still don't understand what it is, since Rai hasn't explained it to me entirely, as he himself doesn't understand. though, it doesn't really matter, as i have made a friend who might be a worthy competitor for my smartness.

Rai is one hell of a smart guy. And I mean, really really smart, the fact that he was able to not only understand, but also help me with my creations speaks to it. if i may, he might be able give me some trouble-

But would I lose?

'Nah, I'd Win.'


"-yeah, have you ever tried that with a paramecia?" I looked at him in shock. While I had been curious, this might change how I perceive Rumble Balls, since Rai has more experience in terms of devil fruit knowledge.

"Well, I don't even think they would have different brain wavelengths for the rumble ball to alter. Plus, any experience I do have, it's based on Zoan and my own Biology. it would take months to even conduct proper experience, IF we receive someone willing to-"

"We could use Luffy." Rai points to Luffy, who immediately looks to us when he hears his name. Rai beacons Luffy to come to them, while I have objections.

"Even IF Luffy accepts being the guinea pig, it still would take MONTHS for me to study his body in detail until-"

"Luffy, Chopper wants to use you as an experiment for his Rumble Ball theories. you deal with him." Rai gets up, and in that place, He shoves Luffy to sit. I turn to talk to Rai, trying to convince him to help me, but Luffy speaks up.

"Sure, I'm down for it, it sounds exciting." Luffy is excited to be an experiment dog? i turn to Rai, who smiles at me, and only says a sentence, in his mysterious way (which is super cool)

"just remember what i told you about Devil fruits, especially Luffy." With his wisdom Imparted, Rai turns around and walks into the lounge, mostly to either experiment with Usopp, Help Sanji or just laze around.

wait, Luffy's devil fruit-

"Hito-Hito No Mi - Model :- Nika."

it is the same fruit as me-

So that is why he recommended Luffy, since I would have an easier time understanding the anatomy of Luffy and create a rumble ball. all in order to develop myself-



"IIIIIIIII. Give me Fooddddd." I shake Rai's arm over and over again, but he shoves me to Sanji, who tells me no food until dinner, which makes me more sad. Why can't I have as much food as I want? Where is the freedom here? i like meat, and i-

"Hey Rai, come help me here." Zoro calls away Rai, leaving me alone on top of the Merry, and for some time, I just look over my crew. These are the people who are my friends, my family, and my crew. I see Rai summoning weights for Zero to exercise.

and that's when Rai gets called by Nami, who gives him her logpose, something she never gives to anybody, and she says she is gonna bathe, which causes Rai to say something and get slapped. Chopper comes up to Rai to inquire about something, and after that, he leaves Rai alone.

Usopp also comes up and hands Rai some rolls of papers, and Usopp and Rai start discussing it. i turn around, bored, and that's when i notice robin sitting alone and reading a book, so i go to her to spend my time.

"Yo Robin, watcha doing?" I sit next to her, and she shows me her book that she is reading, something called "Rainbow Mist" or something, which i have no idea about, so being bored soon enough, i walk towards Rai, who summons a salt container and tosses to Sanji inside the kitchen, who is cooking-

"SANJIIII! how much longer?" my stomach growls, and i whine to make Sanji go faster, which he obliges. i look at the sky, seeing the stars shining, and-

"Luffy, Could you turn the Ship a little bit to the right?" I look at Rai, who looks towards the rudder, and I nod, walking towards it and pushing it to the left, making our ship go a little bit to the left as Rain said.

"Dinner is ready." oh hell YEAH! I immediately run to the dining table, and start eating my food, while all the others come inside. after eating and having some fun, everyone goes to sleep-

except Me and Rai.

I am not in the mood to sleep, so I sit on top of merry's head and look at Rai, who is climbing up the mast to keep a lookout for the night, since it is his shift today.


on the top of the mast, Rai Picks up his transponder snail and-

"Yo, how is everything going?" and I understood who he was talking to. The fleet is the one on the other side of the snail. I look up at the stars, seeing just how free the sky is, while I hear Rai's voice talking to the fleet, giving them orders and taking reports.

Rai is a smart guy, the smartest in the crew. Everyone talks to him,Sanji is practically his best friend now, Nami is mostly irritated with him, but she is like that with everyone. Zoro has no problem with Rai like he has with Robin. Robin has regular talks with Rai, almost to the point of them being best friends. Even Chopper and Usopp are similarly close to him.

Rai is the one who manages most of what happens in this ship, and I am happy that he is part of the crew. He is smart and makes plans, and manages most of the things in my ship. hell, he is more of a thinker than he is a magician.

and come to think of it, he hasn't shown me much magic. He did say that he has some kind of devil fruit powers, so it isn't real magic. even though he says that he has, when shooting some kind of blue transparent ball from his hands, which is awesome nevertheless.

he acts more like a strat- strat- strat-

whatever, he acts more like a planner than a magician, so maybe i should change it.





I Look down at Luffy, who seems deep in thought, and I realize that he must have changed my position in the crew, so I decide to see what it is.


This title is an evolution of the Title, and is given since you have received the position of the Strategizer. A strategizer is someone who devises a plan or strategy to achieve success.

Title Effects:-

MP is increased by 90%

INT is increased by 90%

WIS is increased by 90%

Skill Can be used

'Holy Shit! a Title Based Skill?' A title based skill is the skill that can only be used when equipping the title. so without any real problem, i equip the title-

I start to receive a lot of input all at once, and it makes me dizzy for just a second before my Gamer's mind comes in clutch and makes the processing of information easier.

I notice that every inch of the screen window, and also notice that I automatically start calculating the length and width of the screen, something that I never did. why-

my perk. the answer comes to me automatically,



This Perk allows the user to understand and process information at a tremendous rate.This perks makes the user highly analytical and makes the brain go faster during rapid thinking.It Boosts INT by 50% and gives a special effect of Super Speed thinking, allowing for faster brain processing during analytical thinking.

holy shit my INT is insane. like, seriously insane.

Name:- Rai Adam

Job:- The Gamer

Gender:- Male

Level:- 17 (EXP:- 16,723,400/26,214,400)



HP:- 1480

MP:- 5,184 (2160)

STR:- 72

VIT (HP):- 78

DEX (AGI):- 48

INT:-189 (70)

WIS:-127 (67)


Stat Points:- 15

A person who was orphaned during his young age, Rai Adam has always worked hard to sustain himself independently. his job however, is not to his satisfaction, and due to this, he watches Movies and Anime to take his mind of his bad days. he Dies in his sleep and is Summoned by #@!#$#@ and sent to a different world.



i notice that the title has vanished. i immediately go to my skill-



a player's exceptional ability to remember specific details about a game, often visual or spatial in nature, as if they had a photographic memory.

Lv 1:- remember everything that is seen from now on.


holy shit. There is little to no regret in my heart that I lost the free stats that were given to me in the previous title.

I am becoming a hex character as time goes on, now I only need some time stopping ability, and grinding my current skills, while gaining new ones along the road,and I have become one of the strongest people in this world.

damn man, this shit is busted AF.

not only that, i have gotten the skill Which is super OP as it grants me increased Mana recovery by 300%, one of my highest skills to give this to me. it also gives me 300% in Magic Defence, but i don't care much about that. I Got this skill after My WIS went above 100, similarly to how i got <MEDIAN MANA CAPACITY> and <MANA REGENRATION>. Mana Regeneration gives me 100% Boost in Mana regen, along with this Sage wisdom, IF I had to calculate my Mana Regen, it would be 400% of my Current MP.

holy Shit!

anyways, back to my monologue-

It's been more than a week with me boarding the Going Merry, and one thing i have understood is that being on this ship can be the most boring and most dangerous AND most fun to be in. Not only that, the time it takes to travel from one island to another is so long that it is almost exhausting.

Sometimes, I Am sitting on the deck having nothing to do due to Usopp playing with Luffy. Other times, I look at Zoro training, or Nami looking at her log pose. Robin looks calm reading, while Chopper creates medicine or sticks around Usopp,Luffy and Bentham.

During this time, we stopped on an island where we set out for food. I show my ability to put things in my inventory, including food. After that, some random salesman came and tried to sell them things, but I grabbed his collar and tossed him out of the ship, emptying the contents and throwing it too.

what? I am a freaking pirate, we steal for Oda's sake. We even escaped from some Marine ships by the use of a fog, where we got to meet some kid who was a chef, whom Sanji helped by giving some cooking lessons.

y'know, Filler shit and all.

"C'mon Chopper, grow a backbone man, you are a pirate. plus, you are confirmed to have a bounty." Usopp Slaps Chopper's back, making the resident doctor stumble.

"But I didn't have a choice. i had to or-"

"FOUND IT!" Nami screams in joy, and we all look at her, to see her holding a map. i raise my eyebrow, and use observe-

Treasure Map Of O-Kon Island

Durability - 700/1000

'O-Kon Island?' I don't remember that island. While we might have crossed many islands, there is something fishy about this.

"O-Kan Island is an Island that was named for the crown-like ring of steam its surrounding geysers produce." She waves the map around her head in excitement, and the way she described the island made me question, why the hell is an island surrounded by crown like-

That's when I realized it.

'isn't it the same island where Chopper was made king, the plot of the third movie?' Holy shit, I remember now, this island is where Chopper is gonna be king for some time. and other than that, i don't know anything.

'But, it might be interesting.'




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