Chapter 21: Dinner and a Show II
Chapter 21: Dinner and a Show II
In front of Liu Jin stands Xiao Dong, Young Master of the Xiao Sects local branch. Around them are various important members of the New Moon Town branch. Xiao Nan is the only familiar face. He is also the one who put Liu Jin in this situation.
If Liu Jin wins, he causes the local branch to lose some face.
However, throwing the fight is unacceptable.
Curiously enough, Xiao Dong looks surprised. Did he not expect him to accept?
It then occurs to Liu Jin that maybe Xiao Dong is surprised by his appearance. After all, when they first met, Liu Jins face was hidden by a scarf. He took it off to eat, but by then, he had been sitting which hid his height. Additionally, Xiao Nans presence took nearly all attention away from him.
Did Xiao Dong not realize his age until he saw him standing in front of him?
Nevertheless, Xiao Dong assumes a stance. His Qi rises around him. The teenager is not even bothering to hide his power. Inner Realm, Third Level. Although weaker than some of the bandits Liu Jin met outside the city, Xiao Dongs level is quite high for his age. His stance is also far more polished than theirs. Liu Jin can instantly tell that Xiao Dong is far superior to the bandits he fought the other day in terms of pure skill.
Does he think that by defeating Liu Jin he can raise his status even higher? Is that why he issued the challenge?
Liu Jin sighs.
The moment he assumes his stance, his Qi rises. Liu Jin had not been trying to hide it, but he also hadnt been showing off. With most eyes on Xiao Nan, most people in the room had not paid any attention to him. Now, they are. The people in the dining hall now realize the child who is not even eleven-years-old yet is already in the First Level of the Inner Realm.
For a moment, there is shock. The nervousness already present in Xiao Ding slowly propagates to the others in the room. Even Xiao Dong is taken aback. This is the power of the Main Branch, they are thinking. As the son of the Branch Master, Xiao Dong receives the best training they can give him and the best items for cultivation, yet in front of him stands a boy more than five years his junior who is only two levels lower than him.
Even if Xiao Dong wins, it will mean nothing.
If Xiao Dong were capable of defeating Liu Jin decisively, it would look good on him. However, with their respective levels being what they are, that is impossible. In his haste to be able to say he defeated someone from the main branch, Xiao Dong has challenged a ten-year-old. Now, Xiao Dong will have to struggle just to try to defeat a ten-year-old. That is the only thing he will be able to boast of if he wins. That is the only thing anyone will remember if he wins.
Judging by his reddening face, it seems Xiao Dong has realized this as well.
Liu Jin sighs again. The signal is given. The fight begins.
Xiao Dong lunges at him at full speed. He knows he cannot afford to lose. However, Liu Jin has no intention of letting him win. The child nimbly moves out of the way. Xiao Dongs charge is too fast, too strong. In his haste to finish the fight early, he overreaches. For a moment, Xiao Dong completely loses sight of Liu Jin. Something clicks in Liu Jins mind. This is a good chance to try it out.
Liu Jin focuses his Qi. He remembers his masters lessons. He takes in air and steps forward.
For a moment, Liu Jin feels he has it. Then Xiao Dong manages to turn in time and aims a kick at his head. Liu Jin fights the urge to sigh even as he ducks under the kick.
Of course, it didnt work. Liu Jin clicks his tongue. Hes still not at the level where he can do it in combat.
Instead, Liu Jin snatches Xiao Dongs leg and pulls. Liu Jin sweeps his other leg, making him lose balance and fall. In an instant, Liu Jin brings his heel down on Xiao Dongs fallen form.
Xiao Dong manages to roll away in time, but Liu Jin is on him. He slips under the teens guard and strikes him three times in the chest. Had they been in the same level of cultivation, the blows would have done quite a bit of damage. As it is, Xiao Dong manages to back away from Liu Jins range, then goes on the offensive again.
Xiao Dongs attacks are fiercer and more focused this time. There are no easy openings for Liu Jin to exploit. However, that is all there is to it. Xiao Dong still cannot reach Liu Jin. The young child keeps dodging, always making sure to stay just one step ahead of Xiao Dong. With each second that passes, Xiao Dongs movements grow just a little more desperate, a little angrier, a little sloppier.
Liu Jins opening arrives. His eyes narrow, and he moves in to strike with all his strength.
In an instant, Xiao Dong is blown back. However, that is not the end of it. Liu Jin follows him and delivers another equally strong blow that makes Xiao Dong gasp in pain as he falls.
Liu Jin stands and takes a step back. He offers a short bow to the downed Xiao Dong.
Thank you for your guidance, Senior Brother Dong, Liu Jin says.
Xiao Dong could still get up. They both know this. The fight could continue for quite a while if he chose to. Everyone in the room knows this.
However, what would be the point?
Even if he does, the same result will just repeat itself. In fact, it might even be worse. The two blows struck by Liu Jin may hinder Xiao Dongs performance. Liu Jin will just keep dodging and exploiting any openings that appear. As the fight continues, Xiao Dong will just keep looking bad. To stop the fight at this moment is nothing more than a mercy, and everyone realizes this.
I am sure if Senior Brother Dong had fought me before fighting all those other disciples, he would have been a far more formidable foe.
Those are the words Liu Jin plans to say. They will not fix things, but they will, at least, soften the impact of what just happened. Unfortunately, Liu Jin never gets the chance to utter them. It is Xiao Nan who speaks first in the aftermath.
Marvelous, Xiao Nan says, clapping. Branch Master, your son definitely put on a great performance, but this type of result is to be expected against my Little Brother.
He and Xiao Nan are definitely going to have words once they are alone, Liu Jin decides.
Later that night, when the banquet is long finished, Xiao Ding leads them to a smaller, more private room. They are now away from prying eyes and ears. It is just Xiao Nan and Liu Jin on one side and Xiao Ding and Xiao Dong on the other.
I see, so you ran into the Black Bear Group. Xiao Ding shakes his head. You have my apologies. They are a pest upon these parts. Not dangerous but annoying all the same. They usually target the merchants that travel to and from the town. To think they would dare attack you! Truly, they have eyes but cannot see! Had I known this would happen, I would have gone out myself to wipe them out!
Its fine. Its fine. Xiao Nan waves a hand dismissively. With his other hand, he brings a cup of liquor to his lips. Xiao Ding brought out a special bottle just for the two of them.
Liu Jin and Xiao Dong are unfortunately little more than decorations right now. The two sit behind and to the side of their respective companion.
Those bandits were capable of providing some amusement. I would have been saddened if you had deprived me of the fun, Xiao Nan continues. However, if you wish to, I would be happy to lend a hand in dealing with them.
Truly? Xiao Ding cannot stop his voice from rising. He can, however, stop his cup from slipping from his grasp. Brother Nan would do such a thing for us?
We cannot have a mere group of bandits interfering with our trade. It would look bad on us. It is the least I could do, Xiao Nan replies as if it is no big deal. However, I believe we have something more important to talk about right now, dont we?
Nothing changes in the room. Not Xiao Nans tone nor his expression. However, Liu Jin can feel an unmistakable pressure coming down on them. It has nothing to do with Qi.
It is just Xiao Nan.
Xiao Ding stills. Xiao Dong outright breaks into a cold sweat. After a second that feels much longer, Xiao Ding finds the strength to chuckle. It seems I cannot get anything past Brother Nan. You must understand, this is not something I planned on hiding. In fact, I planned on letting you know at the earliest opportunity. It is my honor to let you know of this.
Go on, Xiao Nan says, motioning him to continue.
As I am sure you know, before our Xiao Sect moved into New Moon Town, the two dominant powers were Clan Hu and Clan Lun. Naturally, neither is a match for our Xiao Sect. Our Xiao Sect has steadily gained influence while they have declined. Still, even a cornered rat is dangerous. One of my concerns was that they would join forces and try something reckless against our Xiao Sect. However, I have successfully sealed off that possibility.
Oh? Xiao Nan raises an eyebrow. And how have you done that?
Xiao Nan asks as though he doesnt know. The argument at the restaurant had been more than enough to put all the pieces together. Even Liu Jin has done so by now. Liu Jin is also pretty sure no one in the room believes Xiao Nan doesnt know the full story. Still, Xiao Ding goes along with it, or rather, he has no choice but to go along with it.
The leader of Clan Hu has a daughter which he cares for dearly, Xiao Ding says, pouring Xiao Nan another cup. I knew that if I offered him a safe alternative that guaranteed his daughters future, he would jump into it.
Xiao Nans eyes narrow. A marriage, then?
You are indeed wise, Br- my lord, Xiao Ding says, offering him a slight bow. My son will marry his daughter. He waves his hand at Xiao Dong who quickly bows. That will ensure Clan Hus subservience. In time, they will be absorbed into our Xiao Sect. As for Clan Lun, without any allies, they will soon fade away. With that, our position in New Moon Town will be secured. In a few years, we will become the only dominant power here. We will have a monopoly on the resources of the Whispering Woods.
Xiao Nan hums in thought. It seems like you have really put a lot of thought into this. Very well, I approve.
Your words honor me-
However, Xiao Nan cut in. Is politics all there is to it?
My lord?
Tell me something Xiao Nan aims his words at Xiao Dong, much to his surprise. This girl. Is she beautiful?
I Xiao Dong swallows. Yes, my lord. She is widely considered to be the most beautiful girl in New Moon Town.
He is nervous, very nervous. Xiao Ding is no better. There is sweat on his face. It takes a moment for Liu Jin to realize why that is.
They are worried Xiao Nan will decide to take the bride for himself.
Due to their respective positions, it is something Xiao Nan is fully capable of. Xiao Nan would have but to ask, and they would have to say yes. Xiao Nan could take his cup, throw it at Xiao Dings face, and Xiao Ding would have to say thanks. The difference in status between them is just that big. However, what they fear will not come to pass.
Xiao Nan is just not that type of person.
Xiao Nan just laughs. I see. I see. Thats good. Come on, Xiao Ding. Dont bother hiding that you are also getting your son a good-looking bride. I dont mind that sort of thing, you know? That kind of thing is important too. Some would say it is the most important thing.
Xiao Ding laughs nervously. Of course, my lord. You must understand. As a father, I seek nothing but the best for my son.
When will the wedding take place?
The preparations will be done two weeks from now, my lord. It would be our greatest honor if you were to attend.
Xiao Nan smiles and turns to Liu Jin. What do you say, Little Brother? Shall we stay for the wedding?
I shall do as you wish, Elder Brother, Liu Jin replies.
Since my Little Brother has no objections, we shall stay here until the wedding. Please be sure to thank him, Xiao Nan says to the two who are quick to do as he says.
The decision is made. Xiao Nan and Liu Jin will stay for the wedding.
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