The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 11: Playing with Emotions

Chapter 11: Playing with Emotions

"Mine! Wait up!" Parc called out to her as she took slow steps down the hallway. Her staps faltering and coming to a stop as she turned back to him. Going red when she saw him without a shirt on and with a noticeable glisten to his skin as if he had just been working out.

She didn't want to admit that she actually liked how it looked on him, how it contoured all of his well defined but lean muscles, giving them an attractive sheen. She puffed her cheeks up and crossed her arms, forcing herself to look away from him with crossed arms. "Now you come out?" she asked, sensing him stop behind her.

Parc scratched the back of his head, "yeah, sorry, was about to fall asleep when you came, took a bit to wake up and get at least pants on," he lied through his teeth. He couldn't just admit that he'd had sex with Sheele, especially to Mine.

Steam began to rise from Mine's head at the image of Parc sleeping in the buff forming in her head. "Y-you could have still just called out and told me, I would have waited," she huffed.

Parc chuckled, 'yeah, when you have your partner laying on top of you naked, you don't just shout out for some other girl to wait for you,' a sweat drop forming on his cheek. "Yeah, I probably should have." He had to admit.

By now, Mine was beginning to notice his orange and mint body odour filling the air around her. Stronger than ever before from how much of his scent filled sweat was open to the air. She began to feel she would be content if she could live the rest of her life surrounding by this warmth.

But she soon frowned, hidden within the smell was something new. Nothing like what he carried with him at all times. Mine took short, deep breaths, letting the smell rub against the inside of her nose, sending warmth to her loins from how much of Parc's she was taking in. But also letting her pinpoint what the other one was.

She didn't have that sensitive of a nose really, especially nothing like Leone who she knew could smell each and every person inside the base right at this moment. Her teigu just had that type of effect on her.

And though she wasn't as perceptive with smells as Leone, she could still notice the strange, faint chamomile scent wrapped up by Parc's. All due to her having taken a particular fancy to his smell, so something new was very noticeable to her. 'What is that?' she wondered, looking back to him with a forced frown and slitted eyes.

"Yes, you should have," she turned her body to him. Letting him take a good, long look at her nightgown. A single white dress that hung to just above her knees with a small pink bow at the centre of her chest.

"So, you wanted to talk to me?" he asked, placing a hand on his hip. Mine's frustration coming to a sudden halt as he reminded her of exactly why she had come here in the first place.

"Oh, uh yeah, right. I did" she couldn't look him in the eyes. Nervously looking away from him, leading to her gaze roaming around the halls, "can can we talk in your room?" she asked with a soft squeak. Noticing just out the corner of her eye how Parc seemed to tense up.

"That is not a good idea right now. It's a mess in there," he was speaking the truth, what with the articles of clothing thrown about and the very, very noticeable puddle by his couches. "I'm not a very neat. Person."

To Mine, those all just sounded like excuses. And they were, he was trying to avoid having to explain to her why her best friend was currently naked in his bed with a belly full of his seed.

'Is Leone in there?' she thought for a moment, taking another fill of the chamomilic scent, frowning when she threw that idea out, 'no she's more likely to just smell like herself. She doesn't have the etiquette to smell like a decent woman is it someone else?' her breathing hitched slightly.

Mind going foggy at the very idea that he may be having more illicit relations with one of the other girls. Of which there could only be three, unless of course, Parc shot both ways and Bulat was in that range. She rose a brow at that, looking at Parc from top to bottom and back again, "no he wouldn't"

"Hmm? I wouldn't what?" Parc felt a nervous sweat forming on his back as Mine's analytical glare only grew stronger.

"Oh, nothing," Mine waved her hand, 'It's not Akame, can't be. She doesn't have the propensity for this. Sheele?" her cheek twitched at that, 'no way she wouldn't mess up somehow' and then her mind, seemingly as an afterthought fell to the three girls in the medbay, two of which were unresponsive, and the third one was still very, very weak and could barely breathe without launching into a coughing fit.

'Najenda?' She landed on, but even that made no sense to her. She was the general, she forsook all relationships with men, she was too focused on the cause to even think about pleasure. 'Who is it?' She just couldn't seem to accept that it could be one of them.

She pushed her way past Parc without a word, stomping towards his door, hand reaching out for the handle.

"W-wait!" Parc panicked, reaching out for her just a moment too late as Mine threw the door open, forcing her way into the unlocked room. Reeling back almost instantly from the heavy, musk odour the had seeped into the very pores of the stone of the room.

Then she caught sight of her, her purple hair stringy and dishevelled. Her eyes a smooth glaze, widened in surprise. Her skin shiny from her session with Parc. She was sat in his bed, blanket over her legs hiding her lower parts but leaving her bosom to the open air.

"Sheele?" Mine's arms hung down limply at seeing Sheele naked, so clearly having just done it with Parc. Sheele grabbed the top of the blanket, tugging it over her chest with a faint, embarrassed blush.

'Fuck,' Parc spun in place, ready to escape the undoubtedly soon to be enraged Mine, but ended up turning back around. He couldn't just leave without saying anything to Sheele either. That'd just plain be rude and unfair to her. He wasn't about to do what amounted to the sex version of a dine and dash. He wouldn't even do that after a session of casual sex with Leone. And he thoroughly doubted she would even care, at that point so long as she was satisfied she was happy.

With her chest covered, Sheele slowly rose a hand, and waved at Mine with a strained, Sheele trademark miniature smile. Mine's mind slowly took to processing the illogical scene, somehow, the dolt ended up in his bed, her clothing strewn about the room, most of which was centres around a small single seater with the cushion having a very noticeable dark patch with small dripping of whit fluid over top it.

Mine jerkily stepped backwards, pulling the door along with her until a small click told her it had closed.

Inside, Sheele had taken to blinking, looking at where Mine had just been standing, "sorry?" she muttered.

Parc could only stand and stare at Mine as she hung her head down. Hand still latched around the door handle with her free flowing pink hair covering her face. "Uh Mine?" Unsure how he should respond, Parc awkwardly chuckled, voice falling softer until he was silent.

She didn't respond. Releasing the handle, she turned on the spot, her head still locked with the floor. Taking steps towards Parc, who flinched thinking she was about to slap him. But it never did, instead, when she arrived before him, she walked around him without an utterance. Leaving him wide eyed and in shock.

He felt incredibly bad right now, the way she looked so pitiable sending a surge of guilt through him. He had seen how she had a burgeoning confusion in her about how she felt about him. Yet he threw that all out the moment Sheele showed even the smallest bit of anxiousness about her body.

"Wait Mine!" he groaned, turning to catch up to her, grabbing her forearm, stopping her in her tracks and spinning her around to grab her other arm, stopping her from escaping. Not that she tried struggling. She just let him do that with utmost calm, never raising her head to look at him. "I'm sorry you had to see that. Can we talk about-" she stopped his speech with her own soft words.

"How long?" she asked, her tone cold and emotionless.


Mine shot her eyes up to him, showing her most utmost of despise in them, "how long have you to been screwing? Was Leone not enough for you? Do you enjoy playing with my emotions?" Questions fell from her lips one after the other, everyone bringing a moistness to her angered eyes.

"Mine, I'm not trying to-"

"After what happened at the lake, you dare say you're not trying to play with my emotions!?" she shrieked "do you know how embarrassed I was!? After doing doing that?" a flush formed, covering her neck but she kept going. "I felt so much about you thenafter you pulled me out of the lake. I I" she trailed off, her voice growing softer.

Her forehead came to rest against his chest, "I don't know how I feel. I've known you for a month, max. and I'm jealous because you look at other girls." She whined, small sniffles coming from her. "This is stupid" she pulled away from him, trying to break her arms free from his grasp.

But Parc wouldn't let her go. Wrapping an arm around her small frame to keep her pressed against him. "Let go" she lacked the power to even resist.

"Do you promise not to run away?" he asked, getting nothing in response, "then no."

Parc sighed as Mine's escape attempt weakened until she could only limply smack her hands into his chest. "Mine, I am truly sorry you had to see that. Had I known you wanted to talk today; I wouldn't have done it. But will I say that I feel guilty? Probably not, I did what I did without a second thought and I would do it again."

Mine's mind froze at his blatant shamelessness. Lifting her head, she met his crimson orbs, "and what's that supposed to mean? That you'll screw around with every woman that you see?"

Parc snorted with a shake of his head, "Mine, I'm not that pathetic. I have my limits. I am a terrible and unfaithful person; I doubt I could ever not be. That's just how I am. I find it difficult to keep myself focused on a single person."

'Not that I even have a choice with this system,' he added in his thoughts. He still had another eight women to find and turn into his. One of which just happened to be possibly the most insane and powerful person this side of the continent and the another being his current boss.

Even without the system urging him that way, he doubted he would ever just stick to a single woman. Such was ingrained in him to his very roots. His very birth was that of lust, his mind could never bring itself to reason with the fact of being stuck to a single person. So much as a thought in that direction would send pangs of pain through his skull, beating at his skull until he accepted the fact that part of him yearned for more, to taste the nectar of the many out there.

"I do control myself. But give me the opportunity, and I will take it."

Mine recalled how he had teased her at the lake, calling her a closet pervert with a hungry glisten in his eyes. Something she had never seen in him before.

"So, I am sorry once again for you having to see that. I'm not trying to play with your emotions." He held her cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb, the feeling sending shivers down Mine's spine, a calmness overtaking her as his eyes almost seemed to put her into a trance. "I hope you have the heart to forgive me for what I have done and what I am about to do." His smile grew larger.

"Do wha-!?" her words halted as the moment her mouth opened to speak, Parc pushed himself down, forcing his lips onto hers, his tongue pushing into her mouth, rubbing against hers.

Mine's eyes widened in shock, her struggles to escape only growing stronger, beating at his chest with her arms pressed between their bodies. Her hands growing weaker and weaker as her eyes flickered, growing blurry by the intertwining of their tongues.

Parc could feel Mine quite literally melting in his midst, her arms growing limp, her legs wobbly. Her tongue wouldn't even respond to his own, letting him simply control the entire mind-numbing experience.

"Fuaaaa" Mine's whined, slumping backwards after a near five-minute-long kiss that left her twitching, drool dribbling out her mouth, leaving a small trail down her cheek. Slightly panting as her lungs attempted to regain the breath Parc had been forcing from it with his merciless assault.

Parc held Mine up, her arms draped limply against his body. Her bleary eyes slowly regaining a semblance of focus. He could tell that this was her first kiss, 'maybe I was a little too rough?' he chuckled, but gulped when he saw between the small gap the collar of her night gown the gave him a small peak to her small, but still attractive bust.

Mine was suddenly brought back to sanity feeling something hard pressed against her belly. Lightly pushing in his chest, she separated them from each other, her eyes drawing down to the tent pitching in his pants.

She gulped, seeing it, how it created a thick, hard line risen up and crushed between their bodies. Her face burst into steam, 'I'm not ready,' she thought, "P-please let go," she whimpered wanting to draw as much distance as she could from the beast.

He could see the sudden panic in her pale face, pushing her into anything would only end bad for them both. So, he slowly loosened his hold on her, hands trailing over her back and down her arms until he gave her hands a light squeeze.

"Mine, just know. I never intended to make you feel like I was playing with your emotions." He leaned forward, placing a small kiss on her forehead before releasing her hands and stepping back. "I can see you need some time alone now" He opened the door to his room slightly,"Just, please don't lock me out." he turned back to her, a soft smile on his face.

Mine was left standing, her mind lost to some distant lands as she watched the door to his room shut. Collapsing onto her knees a second later. Her heart pounding a mile a minute, her hands falling to her stomach.

Slowly stroking up and down over where she could still feel the residual heat of his manhood against her skin. She swallowed the saliva in her throat, a slight tremble to her hands, "too too big" she said fearfully.


Parc leaned against the door to his room, letting out a tired sigh.

"Is she okay?" He heard Sheele ask from the bed. Unlike with Mine, she had let the blanket fall to show off her bust.

"She'll be fine, just needs a while to cool off," he gave her the best smile he could muster.

Sheele nodded, as Mine's best friend in Night raid, she herself knew that Mine would come to calm down and accept this.

Parc walked up to the bed, pulling the blanket on his side up as he lay down. Sheele, lowering her head to lay on his arm, turned towards him. The minutes of solitude had given her time to think and contemplate, coming up with a single question she wanted an answer for, "what are we?"

Parc was not going to admit that he really wanted to say, 'assassins' at that.

"I don't know. What do you want us to be?" he returned with a question of his own. This wasn't a question he could really answer, yes, by the systems standards, she had been marked as one of his concubines. But even that he had no idea what it actually meant. It just stated she was, but not what it actually meant.

Even Sheele didn't actually know what she wanted them to be. She liked him, of course she did. If she didn't, she certainly wouldn't have let him have his way with her body like that. But now that she looked at him, her heart palpitated a little faster. Exactly like what her books had said the emotion of 'love' felt like to the heroines.

She couldn't quite wrap her head around that feeling in person, maybe they could try it out? She thought. "Could we be lovers?" she tilted her head to look up at him, his brows raising.

"If you want." He stated, "but, I am not a very faithful person, Sheele. You must understand that."

Sheele lay her cheek against his chest, letting out a little hum of thought.

"I don't mind" she said, "we are assassins I could die tomorrow It wouldn't be right of me to say you should be faithful to me and only me when I could very well never come back from a mission"

Parc's grip on her waist grew stronger hearing that. 'I'll never let that happen Sheele, not to any one of you.'

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Mmm" she could only hum in acknowledgment. No more words needed between them.

"Then I guess you're my girlfriend now That's how it works, right?" how was he supposed to know. This was new waters for him.

"Mmm" she continued to hum. Finger twirling in circles on his chest before coming to a stop when she caught sight of the blanket pitching up by his crotch. "Do you want to go again?"

"Uh," Parc chuckled, covering the tent with a hand and forcing his erection down.

Sheele blinked, she still felt content after the few minutes of downtime. Lifting the blanket over her head, Sheele quickly crawled down the bed, stopping at the bottom of the mattress. Her hands swiftly pulling away the pants Parc was wearing and hadn't removed after returning to the room.

"Sheele?" he questioned, watching the duvet shifting around Sheele, the idea of her going down on him like this only getting him more excited.

It sprang from its confines with excited delight, shooting into a straight arrow, its silhouette still distinguishable in the faint moonlight peaking through the thin blanket.

'How do I do this?' she thought, a slight tinge of intimidation as she came within kissing distance of the rod that was nearly as big as her face. 'Start at the bottom' Bringing her lips to the base of his penis, Sheele opened her mouth, letting her tongue roam free, slowly coming to touch his warm, throbbing manhood. 'the stroke in an upwards motion,' she recited from one Leone's loan books that went into much to much detail of sexual intercourse and various other emotional topics called the 'kamasutra'.

As her tongue moved closer to the tip of his cock, it began to twitch at the slimy feeling of her tongue. Once she felt the glans against her tongue, she thought of what next to do. 'bring the tip into the mouth' she did just that, engulfing his twitching manhood in the moist confines of her mouth.

'Create a vacuum' she began to suck, drawing out a groan from Parc as he also lightly thrust his hips up, 'lick around the tip,' her tongue rubbed against the engorged pink flesh of his glans. Drawing even stronger groans from him.

'This is exciting.' Sheele thought as she heard Parc's groans. Her lips curling up ever so slightly. Her hands pressed into his thighs. Returning to follow the next step, 'once ready, lower head to take more of the penis into the mouth and stimulate the bottom with the tongue'

Her lips crept down his length, swallowing more and more of his cock until it hit against the back of her throat, causing her to gag and quickly pull her head back, beginning to cough.

"You okay?" he asked from outside the blanket.

She kept to her thoughts, 'went too deep' she locked her lips around his glans again. Answering his previous question as she once again lowered her head until she could feel it nearing her throat, stopping there as she could take no more for now.

'once in mouth, begin to move the head up and down in rhythmic motions, growing faster the more used to the act one becomes while keeping a vacuum within the mouth'

Though she may be inexperience in these acts, Parc could tell just how much she was willing to learn. Long gone was her clumsy demeanor, now what was left, what he could see at this moment, was a girl inexperience with sex. Learning how to properly please him.

And that she could, she wasn't fast, or rough like Leone. She had a gentleness to her as she bobbed her head up and down his length. But she was certainly getting there, remaining gentle, but slowly picking up her pace as her hand wrapped around the lower part of his penis, pumping it up and down to draw him to climax.

"Sheele! I'm going to-!" Parc groaned, his shaft bulging within Sheeles throat, drawing an even stronger vacuum around his tip. Her fingers rapidly stroking up and down his shaft, using her own spit as lube.

She could feel his cum rushing through his urethra, bursting free from the tip and into her mouth, striking against the back of her throat. Her eyes widening in surprise, reeling away to fall into another bout of coughs. But not before the rest of his seed splurted from his cock, covering her face and glasses.

Parc was left panting, his shaft twitching from the aftermath. Only looking down when he felt the duvet shuffling as Sheele threw it off. Revealing the mess he had made of her face, leaving it with streaks of white liquid.

"You're amazing, Sheele," he said, watching as she lifted a hand to her face, collecting his cum in her hand to clean her face at least a little bit.

Those words drew a smile from Sheele as she looked down at her semen covered hand, 'then drink the essence of the mans love' she recited the final line of the chapter. Bringing her hand to her lips, she opened her mouth and tilted her head back, letting the thick, jelly like liquid drip onto her tongue.

"Sheele, you don't need to do that-" he said but could only sit in awe, watching her lips shut, a trail of white liquid breaking from the sides of her lips as she swallowed, looking to be having a bit of difficulty at first. But eventually getting it down.

'sweet' she thought, licking her lips and getting another taste of the remnants that still lingered on her. 'the book said it would be bitter and salty'

Parc gaped, his flacid cock growing once again. Drawing Sheele's eyes to it before looking up to him with a curious look. The book even said that men would only be able to do it once or twice a day before needing rest, but it seemed Parc was intent on going against that as well.

"Uh, what can I say. You're incredibly sexy," he shrugged earning him a pair of rolled eyes.

Sheele thought back to the book once again, a new chapter this time.

The 'cowgirl.'

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