Chapter 4: Originality
Chapter 4: Originality
Genie thought frankly that this situation was quite frightening.
She found a job as a magic tutor right after she graduated from the magic school.
It was a job that required a few hours of work, but paid well, and the people you teach were children who didnt know the first thing about magic.
He is a novice who doesnt know how to use magic yet, and he just had his water emblem appeared.
Even Genie, who was a mediocre magician, was able to afford to teach him.
until five months ago.
No, , two months ago, to be exact.
The thoughtless words that she had uttered had, in turn, ignited the desire to learn for the student.
Two months have passed in the blink of an eye since then.
The child who had been quiet, downcast, doing only what he was told, and easy to handle for better or worse , or just not dead, came to life after that day.
At first she looked at him with pleasure, but it was only the beginning that she was able to do that.
Two classes a week.
Every time she looks at him across the day, something has evolved.
I knew that he was starting to get into magic,, probably the student is more into magic than Genie thinks.
His growth is just too fast.
There are seven water balls floating around my student.
And he keeps them up.
At first, he was limited to two floating water ball A Ori, but now he can produce seven.
In addition, it does not fluctuate unsteadily. It was a solid sphere. They are all the same size.
The fact that it doesnt fluctuate is proof that the magic power is stable.
The uniformity of shape and size is evidence of fine control.
As a first step, as a magic to create water, it is quite complete.
It is impossible for Genie to create a water ball A Ori with this level of precision and delicacy. She can only generate five or six at most. It is also unstable and cannot be maintained for this long.
What should I do?
Genie was inwardly puzzled.
His student, Kunon Gurion, was only seven years old.
Magic is a useful power.
But it is never safe.
While it is useful, it can become a weapon at any time.
That is the nature of power.
Some magic is so powerful that even a child can kill an adult.
I have been told by my parents to teach only rudimentary magic.
Genie agrees with the Gurion familys education policy, as she believes that parents who allow their children to carry weapons are not good ones.
However, Kunon Gurion already understands magic well enough to take it to the next level.
As it is, theres not much Genie can teach him.
But she cant quit this job.
She will not be able to make a living.
She wants to hold on to this good job until she can find another one, at least.
Thats why she was worried what should I do?
A spark hit her.
She cant teach him new magic, but how about guiding him on the path to further evolution with the rudimentary Water Ball A Ori?
The magic power is stable and under control.
If its already this accurate, he can probably make more changes.
This is it.
As expected, if she loses her job right now, she wont be able to make a living.
She wants to stay here for at least a year total, and that will be another six months.
Of course, it is possible that the Gurion family will change their educational policy and allow her to teach other magic. If that happens, she should be able to extend my stay for another year or so.
Genie is not a great magician, but shes not a failure either.
Shes not very good at it, but She'll have to try to teach him how to arrange his magic.
Besides as just another magician, she was curious to see how far Kunon can climb in the future.
Maybe he can reach the highest title in the world, the Blue Magician.
From today on, lets do something a little different.
After Kunons rut of practical training in magic, the maidservant sat down at a table in the garden.
Normally, they would talk about magic over tea like this, but the magic teacher said something like that today.
Whats going to be different?
To be honest, Kunon thinks its fine as it is.
He thinks its still not enough, so he wants to continue his training in magic as it is.
He was just recently able to do the afternoon training without collapsing at last.
You can even say that this has been a preparation period and now the real work begins.
The water ball A Ori that Kunon is using is a rudimentary form of water magic. It is the first magic that this type of magician learns. It is simply a way to create water.
Then lets divide the properties of this magic.
divide the properties?
Lets divide the characteristics one by one. What do you think will happen if you divide them?
Kunon thinks.
Lets see, produces water, makes water float, keeps water spherical, and so on?
The teacher applauded. The maidservant applauded.
In addition, if you subdivide water into temperature, viscosity, composition, color, shape, and scent, the number becomes much larger. In a word, the word water can mean many different things.
Water Ball A Ori'.
I can feel that the teachers magic power has moved.
There should be two water balls floating in front of Kunon.
Ive just put two water balls in front of you Kunon. Please touch them.
Kunon did as he was told and touched the magic power in front of him.
The left one was cold and the other was warm.
The left one was cold and the right one was warm.
Thats right. This kind of arrangement is what gives sorcerers their originality. You could call it a difference in talent.
Originality?Do you mean, for example, that the same magic is completely different between a teacher and a royal court magician?
Yes, youre right. The royal court magicians Water Ball A Ori and my Water Ball A Ori should be so different that they are nothing alike.
They are the most talented magicians in the country. I didnt do too badly at the magic school, but there were always people above me. The gate to becoming a royal court sorcerer is very narrow. Thats why the salary is also
Kunon wasnt listening to her anymore.
While pretending to listen to the teacher complaining, in his mind he was thinking about the originality of magic as if he was possessed.
In other words, it is possible to change the details of magic.
This story must have a lot to do with Kunons ambition to create an eyeball outside.
Yes, a mere water ball is not an eye.
but By changing it, arranging it, and adding originality to it, he may be able to create eyes with magic.
Im one step closer to my goal, Kunon thought, ignoring the teacher who was complaining.
What do you think?
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