The Path to Becoming The Worst Villainess

The Attack

[Damrin Mountain Range]

A huge mountain range spans across the South Continent almost splitting The Leafwing Kingdom in half, it's one of the most important resource spots for the kingdom. Many workers, mostly slaves work in the mines, these mines collect raw materials like coal, copper, gold, and more, but half of the mountain range is surrounded by The Trica Forest, before the bandits came, there were some mines in the Trica Forest side but has been abandoned when bandits come and take over the place.

The system has sent Ahko to one of the abandoned mines which has been occupied by many bandits, making it one of the 8 bandit bases. On the outside there isn't a lot going on, the entrance is huge but that's about it. It really looks like an abandoned mine until a few merchant wagons are carried inside the mine.

Ahko looks around trying to spot a patrolling bandit or anything outside besides the wagons coming in and out. There's no one patrolling the surrounding and some bandits come and go throwing trash.

"Either they are too confident, or they are still in lunch break."

Ahko walks into the mine casually like she's one of the bandits. The inside of the mine is huge, torches light up the corridors of the cave.

She keeps walking deeper inside the mine. In some rooms, there are slaves imprisoned, angry, and in despair. The bandits in those rooms are taunting the hopeless slaves, humiliating them, torturing them, and even raping them without a care of the world. Some rooms have stolen goods stored in them, some rooms are the bandit's sleeping quarters.

Once she explored most of the rooms there was another corridor leading somewhere, she tried to walk in but got stopped by a bandit guarding the entrance.

"Hey, are you one of the superiors? I never see you going inside so you need to have one of the superiors guiding you or if you have a message to say, you can leave a message through me."


Ahko turns around and leaves leaving the bandit a little confused, sometimes new recruits don't know what's going on in this place, so they just come and go to the higher-up areas.

"Alright, No plan needed, just go back to the entrance and start slaughtering them all."

Ahko goes back to the entrance, knowing every room in the back of her head. Fortunately for her, there's no stolen merchant's wagon coming into the cave.

One by one she cuts off their heads at lightning speed, no one is safe from her wrath, she goes from one corridor to the other, stopping only when she comes across a room then she goes in, and kills all of the bandits but the slaves then continue her wrath outside of the room, but her speed can not stop the incoming yelling of some bandits that were watching everything unfold in front of their eyes.

"We're being attacked!!!" One of the bandits yelled before his head also separated from his neck.




The yelling can be heard inside the higher-ups area, they stopped whatever they were doing and started preparing for the incoming attack by an unknown force. One bandit successfully goes to the higher-ups area, panicking, traumatized, and shaking.

"Who are the attackers!?"

"I-I don't know... b-b-but I didn't see anyone..."

"Tch, fucking useless." One of the higher bandits kicks the bandit's face to the ground.

"P-P-PLEASE! WHOEVER THEY ARE THEY WERE TOO FAST!!" The bandit yelled in pain.

"Too fast...?"

Ahko went into one of the slave prisons after killing all of the bandits inside the first part of the mine. The slaves look at her with hope but also fear in their eyes. They just saw what happened to multiple bandits that were just torturing them and raping them getting their heads sliced off within a blink of an eye.

"O-Our savior!!" One of the slaves yelled in happiness.

"T-Thank you for saving our lives!!"

"Y-You are so powerful!! My savior!"

The slaves keep cheering their 'savior', many of them are beastkins, mostly foxes, cats, dogs, and harpies. But Ahko has a different idea on her mind.

"System, is it possible to keep these slaves?"


"If these slave's levels are 1 or F rank then it's possible for user to keep them as user's slave until the day they die or user frees them, each slave costs 10000 coins."


"That much for 1 slave?"


"When acquired a slave, user have full authority over their lives, they will be fully loyal to user even if their mind doesn't want to, and they will even kill themselves if user commands them to. Not only that, user also gain the benefits of gaining their abilities whether they are common, rare, unique, extra, or transcendent. User can also control their minds if user don't want to hear their unwillingness conversations."


"That is a very reasonable price now that you explained it. How much I gain from killing the bandits?"


User has killed

7 Bandits Level 20!    Exp: 280

17 Bandits Level 19!  Exp: 646

20 Bandits Level 18!  Exp: 720

28 Bandits Level 17!  Exp: 952

36 Bandits Level 16!  Exp: 1152

48 Bandits Level 15!  Exp: 1440

Total Exp: 51900 [Human Bonus]

Shop Coins Received: 103800



Congratulations user for leveling up to level 15!

All stats +3

Hp and Mp are automatically full.


Exp: 1802/50000


"Huh? Why did I level up 3 times? The exp requirement was doubling every level but now it looks like it's not?"


"The exp requirement has been balanced to a more reasonable one, since if it keeps doubling every time user levels up, the number will reach billions when user gets to level 30. Now the requirement will increase 10000 every time user leveled up."


"Thank god that shit is gone, it's so hard to gain level without having to kill hundreds of people..."


The slaves are staring at Ahko's blank faces confused, their savior is looking up and down to a wall while making confused, shocked, and happy faces. As if she were looking at something they themselves couldn't see it.

"Is... She okay...?"

"What the hell is she looking at?"

"Hey! Don't say that or else she'll not rescue us!"

"My bad my bad..."

"Hello, my savior? Is there something wrong?"

Ahko looks back at the slaves, shakes her head, and goes outside.

"H-Hey! W-Where are you going!?"

"Help us escape from this hell first!"




"System close."

She stood outside of the entrance going into the 2nd area of the cave. She couldn't see them, but she could feel a more powerful presence than in the first area.

The corridor is very dark, with not even a single light source for the corridor, either this is a setup when she's in the slave prison or it's just like this to know which is the forbidden area and which is passable.

After some moments she can see a light source coming in at the end of the corridor, but before she lets herself exposed, she stands where the light source barely lights her up.

She can see multiple bandits in their stance, ready to strike whenever she's out, and because this is a bandit base, there are bound to be some bandits hiding in the blind spot.

She took a step back and jumped forward into the readied bandits, unlike the bandits from the first area, these bandits is a little difficult to kill since their speed is not that far behind compared to Ahko.

She managed to massacre the bandits in the room but not without a cost. Her stamina is almost depleted, half of which is killing the bandits in the room she's in, not to mention more rooms filled with these elite bandits if she should say that.

"System, buy 10 stamina potions."




10 small potions filled with yellow liquid appeared on Ahko's hand and to the ground.

"... Can you store these potions?"


"Apologize, but user has to have the ability called inventory which can be unlocked in the shop when the system evolved one time or user reaches rank B."


"Why rank B?"


"Adventurers, beastkin, and demons when reached rank B will acquire an Extra Ability called inventory which they can store their weapons, items, loots, and more but the inventory has a limit and it varies from person to person."


"... Okay... Fucking annoying."

Ahko drinks one of the potions and leaves them all in a corner where she can easily grab and goes to her next target room.


[Somewhere in the cave]

"AHN! Yes! Give me more! Faster! Faster! I need more!"

A sound of flesh hitting each other can be heard inside a luxurious room, it didn't feel like the room was in a cave at all.

There, a toned man and a girl are pleasuring themselves inside the chamber, the girl happily accepts the man's advances towards her. A while ago, the girl was captured for trying to break into the base, but she didn't make it very far. After she gets captured, she is put into the first area's prison slave where she's with a bunch of slaves, all of them have two things in common, they all are females and they want to escape from this place.

But they couldn't make an escape plan since the prisons are heavily guarded. All of them have been subjects of raping and torture. Some of them have strong willpower so they keep resisting the pleasure, while some like the girl didn't have a strong will and as more time passed, the raping becomes pleasurable.

From this stage, they go to the higher-up areas where the prisons are much more well put and the meals aren't just moldy soggy bread but are actually prison food, not that appealing but much better than the moldy soggy bread they have to eat every day in the first area.

There, their willpower keeps decreasing and their love of dicks keeps increasing, one they become a little addicted to the pleasure then they go to another area. At the 3rd stage, the slaves were long gone and they didn't want to escape the mine anymore for fear of not getting the pleasure the same as in the prison. Usually, these slaves get auctioned on but some that didn't get sold just stay in prison until the day they die, but sometimes, William the boss of the base can take one of the slaves from the 3rd stage and keep them as his personal toy. This girl fortunately or unfortunately becomes William's interest.

The toys are one of the best positions in the base, they almost have the same luxury as the superior bandits, they can go out of the cave if they want to and no one will stop them, but who wants to go out when you already at the bottom of the rabbit hole and enjoy all the pleasure it gives to you.

While two are at it, outside of the room bunch of bandits panicked at the surprise attack, no one could've expected someone or multiple groups of people to attack at this time of day, they have a lot of outposts in the forest, how's one goes undetected? Moreover, whoever this person is they already killed half of the residents in less than an hour.




"Boss! Boss! Boss!" A bandit frantically knocked on the door.

"Huh? What the fuck does he want? Can't he see I'm busy right now?" William grunted.

"Mmm... Just keep going Master~~" The girl continues rocking her hips while William is a little distracted.

"Boss! This is very important!!" The bandit keeps knocking on the door.

"This better be something bad or I'm killing that guy." William pulls out his cock.

"Ah... M-Master... You didn't finish yet..." The girl whimpering.

"Not now, this is important, just stay here until I come back." William put on his pants and opened the door.

There, he sees a bandit, one of the superiors panting. He also sees in the background a lot of superior bandits discussing over something, it looks like they are a little heated at the moment.

"What do you want? Say it fast before I break your neck." William stares at the bandit with cold eyes.

"Our base is under attack!"

"..." William punched the bandit's face and he fell to the ground.

"So what? Exterminate the threat like you always do." William says about to close the door to continue his lovemaking.

"N-No boss! This is different!" The bandit shouted.

"Different? What are you talking about?" William asked.

"It's only one person and whoever he is, he's kicking our ass! He already killed all of the men in the first area and is coming to the second one right now!"

"... One person? Don't joke about something stupid." William grabs the bandit's neck.

"I-It is!! We saw it! It's only one person killing all of our men in less than an hour!"

"... Get the superiors and you to be ready, once he steps into the 3rd area, kill him." William drops the bandit and closes his door.

"Mmmm...? Is it something very serious Master...?" The girl asked while touching herself.

"Nothing... Let's continue this~" William dropped his pants and went straight back to the lovemaking.



Ahko continues her rampage throughout the mine, the bandits are getting stronger and smarter the more she goes deeper into the mine, some even hide and attack when she's dealing with other bandits, she might still see through them and kill them but at what time before she slipped and the bandits take advantage over that.

Moreover, there were still more areas to go, which meant more bandits stronger and smarter than the ones she's killed, if they were strong enough, she couldn't even slice off their heads at fast speed. Speed can only go so far before strength gets the upper hand. On her slaughter, the prisons she sees are more nicer and the slaves look and feel more compliant than the slaves in the first area.

When she kills off the bandits in the prisons, some slaves cheers weakly and some feel indifferent like she just killed off the main source of their happiness, but the more she goes to the prison rooms she can see more human slaves rather than beastkins.

"System, is there a reason why the slaves have more humans in it than beastkins?"


"Due to the reason of human's libido being more potent than beastkin's, and beastkins have bigger and stronger willpower compared to humans, that's why humans can repopulate so quickly and why beastkins are gradually degrading over time."


"I see... So they just think about their genitals and not their brain."

Ahko stepped into the last room of the 2nd area, as usual, she killed off everyone and went outside after that.


User has killed

5 Elite Bandits Level 30    Exp:300

14 Elite Bandits Level 28  Exp:784

19 Elite Bandits Level 26  Exp:988

22 Elite Bandits Level 24  Exp:1056

27 Elite Bandits Level 22  Exp:1188

Total Exp: 43160 [Human Bonus]

Shop Coins Received: 86320


She moves on to the next area. As always, the corridor is dark and there's no light source until the end of the corridor. She can feel an ominous presence on her way, suddenly the corridor lit up, the torches lit up one by one but only around Ahko. Suddenly, she can feel 10 powerful beings surrounding her.

"Someone slip pass through me without me knowing!? This is bad..."

"Well... Well... Well... Look who we have here?" A voice coming from behind her, she turns around but sees no one.

"They are hiding in the shadows.."

"This guy... killed almost the entirety of the mine's residents. Impressive that you still hanging on even though you are weaker than us." Another voice echoed in front of her.

"Boss said you need to be killed, but it looks like we have to make a change for that." A huge muscular man comes out of the shadow behind her.

"Hey, take a look at this guy's body." 2 men wearing cloaks come out.

"A guy? This ain't a guy, you are a girl~" Another one beside the muscular man.

"Hmm... This girl's tits aren't huge tho..." One was disappointed by her asset's size.

"And her ass is a little flat..." One sighed while holding an axe.

"Did you even eat well when you were younger?" The last one holding a staff.

"Get a load of this girl. She looks like an angry kitten~" The muscular man chuckles.

"... I didn't." Ahko talked.

"Hmm? Must be rough for a girl like you. How about you surrender and we'll take care of you~"


While the 7 superior bandits taunting her and talking about how not only they'll wrecked her inside and outside but also her mind. She keeps staring at a slightly weaker man than all of them. The one beside the muscular man, she feels his presence to be a little weaker compare to all of them but she can't underestimate him.

"System... Can I defeat these guys?"


"With the current level of user, it is not possible to defeat all of them, maybe user can defeat one.."


"Huh... It's a little late to escape. Not that I can escape this time."

"Hey, are you even listening?" One holding an axe asked.

"Nope... and I don't think I will." Ahko says while gripping her dagger tightly.

"Whoa... calm down kitten, don't grip that dagger too tight or else your hand will be tired when you grip our cocks~" The staff-holding man laughs.

Ahko turned around and jumped straight to the weaker bandit. The bandit unprepared by her attack didn't have enough reaction time to block or dodge her attack, the thing about daggers, daggers used to slice things very fast but not in this scenario. In order to deliver an act of surprise, she thrust her dagger straight into the man's throat.

"Oh shit." The muscular man grabbed her and managed to pull her.

"You are so bold! [Bind]" The one holding a staff chanted to her so she couldn't move.

"COUGH H-H-Help m-m-m-me!" The man grabs her dagger and pulls it out from his throat but it's already too late, his blood splattered everywhere and he dies just like that.

The other men rushed to the injured man and watched him bleed, but they didn't do anything to help him. They didn't have any healing potions or spells and he's the weakest one out of all of them so they didn't care that much.

"This girl just straight off killed Jack."

"I mean he is the weakest one so it's obvious, it's his fault for not noticing."

"Let's clean off the body then we'll discuss this girl."

"Just put him in the pile same as everyone else, it's only us, the slaves, and the boss left in the cave."

"How do you think he's gonna say to Henry?"

"Some shit I don't fucking care."

"Probably something like putting bandits from other bases to here."

"Enough of that, let's see who this girl really is."

The muscular man pulls down her hood, revealing a rather cute but also not a being they expected her to be.

"A demon..?"

"What the hell is a demon doing in here?"

"How the hell she didn't get caught?"

"Explains why she can kill a lot of people, it's in her blood."

"Aren't like demons couldn't feel emotions? How can we make her feel that?"

"Stop thinking with your dick, bring her to William."


User has killed a Bandit Level 50!  Exp: 1000 [Human Bonus]

Shop Coins Received: 2000


Ahko has been put in front of William, he stood tall gazing towards the demon girl. His toys also staring at her in anger, fear, and confusion. William grabs her chin, forcing her to look at his eyes.

"So you are the one causing all the commotion... Was expecting a beastkin trying to save her mother but you are a demon.."

William drops her chin and begins circling around her.

"Do you know what damage you have caused?" William asked.

"No idea, but I do know I killed almost all your men, and I'm happy for that." Ahko answered.

"Happy? A demon can feel happiness? That's something new, so does that mean you can feel my dick hitting your womb?"

His toys are a little shocked by his statement. Yes, he's the man but with a demon? It's a little hard to accept a demon that just wipes out 200 men in a single day.

"Also boss, she killed Jack." One of the bandits stated.

"Jack? He's weak anyway I don't care about him." William put his hand on her breast.

"Do what you gonna do with me, it's not like I can escape."

"Glad you accepted the situation already unlike some slaves."

He put his hand on her shoulder while whispering.

"Well then, shall we get to the business?"

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